November 2019

S3:E42 – Blank Check Movie Trailer

We should never think about Blank Check again, but, I guess, we can’t not. It’s a really strange movie. It’s just…wild. Just wild. See, there’s this part…and then there’s that other part. And oh boy don’t get me started on that last part. Sheesh. What a…what a thing.

If you can’t tell, this week we watched the Blank Check trailer on loop until we couldn’t take it anymore. Woof.

Aaron Littleton hosts and exercises adverse possession. John Hurst co-hosts and maybe read some things at some point.

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S3:E41 – Hot Lixx Commercial

Let’s all acknowledge that at some point, every idea gets Hot Lixxed. No matter how shocking, how disruptive, how abhorrent to the societal norms of the time, Hot Lixx is the ultimate destination for all human creative capital. Given enough time, and probably less than you think, someone will find a way to sand the rough edges off of any idea, encapsulate it in plastic, fill that shell with cheap Chinese microchips and sell it back to you. You’ll buy it and give it to your kids, because you spend too much time at work. Just  don’t Bing it in front of them.

This week we watched a commercial for a toy guitar called Hot Lixx. We resented it greatly.

John Hurst hosts and gets a Hot Keyz. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and builds a theoretical computer.

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S3:E40 – Sonic The Hedgehog New Official Trailer

The internet is a strange place. If the Super Mario Brothers movie came out now, we would have likely never seen that version in the wild. We would, rightfully, decreed how incorrect and bad that movie was. A stain on something so familiar and loved by many! But the movie is a treasure in its own right; a monument to Hollywood’s hubris over all other “insignificant” mediums and a team of set designers having one hell of a Hot Girl Summer. It is not really a Mario movie, but it’s wild and weird and represents a decade steeped in its kitsch pop culture that can only be imitated these days. It’s the type of train wreck that happens to make an art installation in the process. The original artist has hung their head in shame and fled the scene, but we are still here to appreciate it in its unchanging manner. Wondering. Contemplating. Media consuming.

We have lost the path from our original horror, but one can only wish we could peek behind the curtain and be horrified anew. We can not know the timelines we have been swayed from. We can only imagine what that previous, wretched Sonic model is doing. We know it exists. We know its waiting. Biding. Also media consuming

It will have its time to shine again. And he will choose when.

Aaron hosts this week and boy is he hungry for some thighs. John co-hosts this week and wants to see Sonic put in all the classics. ALL OF THEM.

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S3:E39 – RATT “Round and Round” Music Video

After suffering through last week’s Israeli coffee machine cleaning video, John decides to strike back in the best way he knows how – 80s hair metal. RATT busts up a dinner party, but is that meal podcast safe?

This week we watched the RATT “Round and Round” music video, which was probably directed by Peter Jackson.

John Hurst hosts and enters a promo code. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and rips some string cheese.

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S3:E38 – תהליך ניקוי אבנית המכונת BeanZ

How do you describe a yogurt to someone who has never experienced it? How can  you explain that the gelatinous blob before them is actually a carefully cultivated bacterial culture? If that’s hard, imagine how to sell them Gogurt. If THAT’s hard, imagine explaining to a child what TCBY really stands for. Best to just let them think it’s funny tasting ice cream.

We watched this cleaning video for a device called BeanZ. How about it.

Aaron Littleton hosts this week and laments commentary tracks. John Hurst co-hosts and tends to the krill vats.

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